Saturday, September 1, 2018

Saturday, Sept 1st: Potential for Coastal Smoke as NE winds develop in NW California

Drier northeast winds have helped increase activity on the Klondike and Natchez fires this afternoon. This new activity and the associated change in wind direction from onshore (westerly) to offshore (easterly) could bring morning smoke to NW California coastal communities, including Eureka, Crescent City, and Klamath Glen. More activity is expected tomorrow afternoon on the Natchez Fire.

Smoke transport from the Hirz fire pictured below will likely continue blowing down the Central Valley through the morning, leaving the western side Central Valley smoked in, then start blowing afternoon smoke toward McCloud and Mt Shasta, perhaps even reaching MacDoel and Tulelake later in the day tomorrow.

GOES 16 Satellite image from tonight, just before sunset

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