Thursday, September 18, 2014

Thursday, September 18th, 2014 Wildfire Air Quality Summary for the King Fire

The King fire grew over 50,000 acres yesterday and is now at 70,944 acres total.  It more than tripled in size yesterday, as fire established itself in very dry fuels, under hot dry SW winds that were aligned with the steep Rubicon drainage topography.  The fire ran directly up that canyon nearly 14 miles toward Lake Tahoe, and the smoke plume traveled hundreds of miles.

Charts of the monitoring data as of this morning can be downloaded with this link, and the map of the currently tracked monitoring sites is below:

Today, we are still under a lighter S flow today than yesterday (only 10,000 acres of growth projected), but tonight winds will switch to NE  and blow smoke back to the West or SW, where it is likely to cause substantial impacts to foothill communities. Some of these impacts will be in areas previously not impacted by the fire due to the strong SW flow.  Rain might mitigate some of these impacts, if it shows up.  Below is a summary of the forecast from the National Weather Service, Reno office.

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